Kayak Rental Olden - stable kayaks for a perfect tour

No kayak rental in 2025 - only guided tours
Looking for kayak rental Olden? We have excellent service, price and many benefits:
- Escape the crowds
- Silent: Zero or close to zero boats
- Stable kayaks: 3 double, 10 single
Greenish glacier water. Snow on the mountains (until July/August), green hillsides and no crowds.

Every day. Click button to choose your time.
Arriving by Cruise Ship?
Choose transport when you book. Hassle free transport – see details.
Best choice to book 09.30 or 13.30 (but other times works also).
We take you away from the crowds (7 minute drive).
See arrival and departure for your ship 2024.
Prices - 4 hour rental

Included in kayak rental Olden
- Paddle
- Vest
- Map
No kayak rental in 2025 – but we still offer guided tours.
-Fits 5 to 80 years old
-Fits from 13 years old

No kayak rental in 2025 – but we still offer guided tours.
- 5 star rated
- Great service
- Stable and good kayaks
- Arriving by cruise ship? Checkbox for transport when you book
We are often fully booked in weekends and holidays – book now. Remember: We also have guided tours every day.
Kayak map included
From us you can paddle in many directions, but we recommend paddling towards Olden or Loen with a view to the spectacular mountain Skåla. Most guests paddle for three to four hours. Bring water and food. Enjoy!
No kayak rental in 2025 – but we still offer guided tours.
On the photo you see the kayaks in the shadow. It will be 2-3 meters to carry them and you are ready to go.
License not needed - Kayak rental Olden
You don’t need a licence to kayak here. Kayak certificate makes sense if the waves are big, or there are boats and ships passing by. Or far from land. Here are hardly any boats. Paddle close to land (5 to 30 meters from shore) for extra safety. You must be sober. And you must wear a flotation device (which is always included). Your must kayak with others, not alone. If you are unsure about kayaking choose our guided tour.
Cancellation policy
- Cancellation more than 7 days before: 100 percent refund
- Cancellation less than 7 days before: 50 percent refund
- Cancellation 48 hours before, or less: No refund
About everything else than the kayaks
Book kayak from 09.30 or from 13.30. Transport from Olden at 0930, with return at 1315. Option 2: Transport from Olden at 1330, return at 1715 (or earlier if your ship leaves early). Hassle free transport – see details.
Drop-in makes a chaos in the parking and bookings, so book in advance.
We are a 5 minute drive from Olden center. We will send you address and directions instantly after booking. If you arrive by cruise ship, read the first answer.
Yes, we have free private parking for you.
Opening hours for kayak rental Olden: From 0930 to 17 (0930 AM to 5 PM) most days. Click green booking button for details
With card or ApplePay, GooglePay, Vipps – when you book (click the booking button)
In the waterproof room in the kayaks, or inside your car or in our house. Drybag is not necessary, since the kayaks have waterproof rooms.
The bathroom is not available during the virus. Visit a bathroom at a gas station or similar, before you arrive.
About the kayaks
Yes, kids older than 5 will normally enjoy kayaking. For kids 5 years old and up to 10/11-years it’s normally best with a double kayak. Let the kid sit in the front seat. The double kayak works fine, even if the kid stops paddling. I have often kayaked for hours, without any help from the kid in the front, he was just relaxing. Kids older than 10 will often handle one of the single kayaks.
The kayaks are built to carry heavy load – but for maximum safety the weight limit is 100 kilos (220 lbs). We decline you if you are over 100 kilo (but with full refund).
We have ten single kayaks and three double kayaks. See pictures at the bottom of this page.
All double kayaks have a rudder. Most single kayaks have skeg. One or more single kayaks has rudder. Disclaimer: Some rudders might be out of function some days each season (remember to take up the rudder when you make landfall). An interesting thing is that the main purpose of the rudder is not to turn, believe it or not. The main purpose is to help the kayak going straight in strong sidewind or currents (we have no currents, and rearly strong wind). Personally, I never use the rudder here unless the sidewind is very strong.
We don’t use spray skirts when we paddle here.
Yes. We have many vests, from 15 kilos up to 90+. Vest, paddle and map are always included.
In the waterproof room in the kayaks, or inside your car or in our house. Drybag is not necessary, since the kayaks have waterproof rooms.